Information Security and Privacy - Sweets Link

Welcome to the Sweets Link Privacy Policy

Welcome to the Sweets Link Privacy Policy. We prioritize the privacy and security of our users' personal information. We are committed to ensuring that all data collected, processed, and stored through our application adheres to the highest standards of privacy protection. We respect and comply with all applicable rules, regulations, and legal requirements regarding data privacy. This Privacy Policy aims to provide you with a clear understanding of how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your personal information. By using our application, you acknowledge and agree to the practices described in this policy. We encourage you to read this document thoroughly to make informed decisions about your privacy while using our services.

How we collect the information?

At Sweets Link, we strive to ensure the privacy and security of your personal information. We collect information about you in order to provide you with a seamless user experience and enhance our services. We may collect information directly from you when you use our application or website, and we may also gather data through third-party software development kits (SDKs) that are integrated into our platform.

Third party services that help us to collect information

Our application may utilize various third-party services to assist us in collecting information for analytics and user engagement purposes. These services include Google Play Services, OneSignal, Analytics For Firebase, Appsflyer These services enable us to gather valuable insights about user interactions, improve our application, and provide you with a seamless experience. These service is checked by Google Play, and you can find them in Google Play SDK Index. So, be sure that we work only with trusted sdks.

We respect your privacy and adhere to the rules and regulations regarding the collection and processing of personal information. Please review the respective privacy policies of these third-party services for more details on how they handle your data.

Information That We Collect Automatically

In this section we'll describe what data we collect automatically and how we work with it.

Device operating system and model

For analytics and fraud prevention purposes, we may collect certain device information, including device model and operating system details. This information allows us to analyze user trends, improve our services, and ensure the security and integrity of our application...

Additionally, the collection of device model and operating system details helps us prioritize updates and feature enhancements for our application. By understanding the distribution of devices and operating systems among our user base, we can allocate resources effectively to address any compatibility issues, provide optimized experiences, and ensure that our application remains up-to-date with the latest technological advancements...

Furthermore, the collection of device model and operating system details assists us in identifying and resolving bugs specific to different versions. By analyzing the data associated with device models and operating systems, we can identify patterns and trends that may contribute to software issues or malfunctions. This enables us to prioritize bug fixes and ensure a smoother and more reliable experience for our users across various device configurations and operating system versions...

Timezone, Locale, and Geographic Information

In order to provide you with a tailored and location-specific experience, we may collect information about your device's timezone, locale, and geographic location. This includes collecting data such as your IP address, which can provide insights into your approximate geographic location at the country, state, or city level...

Display specifications

In order to optimize the visual experience and ensure proper display of content, we may collect information about your device's screen size...

Battery status

To optimize power consumption and enhance the performance of our application, we may collect information about your device's battery status...

Network information - carrier

In order to provide a better user experience and optimize our services, we may collect information about your mobile carrier...

Debug, development, airplane modes

For troubleshooting purposes and to ensure optimal functionality of our application, we may collect information regarding certain device settings, including the status of development mode, debug mode, and airplane mode...

Interaction with push notifications

In order to analyze the effectiveness of our push notifications and provide you with relevant and engaging content, we may track user interactions with these notifications...

Data Safety

At Sweets Link, we prioritize the safety and security of your data. We take appropriate measures to protect the information we collect and ensure that it is handled in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations...

...For more detailed information on how we handle and protect your data, please refer to our comprehensive Privacy Policy.

How We Use Your Information

We use the personal data we collect for purposes described in this privacy statement or otherwise disclosed to you. For example, we use personal data for the following purposes:

  1. Delivering Applications and Providing Services: We use personal data to deliver applications and provide our services to you...
  2. Personalization: We tailor the content and information we send or display to you to offer location customization and personalize your experiences...
  3. Marketing and Promotional Purposes: Where permitted by law and in accordance with applicable terms and conditions, we may use your information for marketing and promotional purposes...
  4. Improving Applications and Services: We analyze how users access and use our applications and services to better understand user behavior and preferences...
  5. Compliance with Legal Requirements: We may use your information as required or permitted by law.

...While we do not retain personal information for longer than necessary, the duration of data retention depends on the purpose for which it was collected and how it is used.

We don't sell your information, your information in secure place.

We want to assure you that we prioritize the protection of your privacy. We do not sell any of your personal information to third parties...

European Data Protection Rights

If the processing of personal data about you is subject to European Union data protection law, you have certain rights with respect to that data:

To make such requests, contact us at [email protected]...

Security of your information

The security of your information is of utmost importance to us...

Advertising partners

Our application may be promoted through various advertising networks, including but not limited to Google Ads, Facebook, Unity Ads and other similar platforms...

Children’s privacy

The Services are designed for individuals aged 12 or older, or as required by applicable law...

Third-party websites and services

The Services may include integrations or links to third-party websites or services...

Effective Date; Policy Changes

The current version of the Privacy Policy will apply each time you use the Site, Applications, or Services...

Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding this privacy policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at [email protected].